O tronco esfoliado, no Jardim Botânico da Ajuda...
A árvore que rejuvenesce da cabeça aos pés.
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in "Le jardin des plantes", 1842. Um exemplar para venda, TENTADOR. |
Um enternecido obrigado pela foto e esmero na informação. |
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O primeiro descompromisso do ano, e sem querer também aconteceu a 5. |
«When Greene was tasked with an extremely demanding commission to make a large scale crucifixion work for the new Basílica da Santíssima Trindade at Fatima, Portugal, she felt compelled to avoid the melodrama and tragedy that heretofore dominated the genre. The Basilica is a marvel of contemporary architecture, designed to a grand scale with a colossal interior that seats nine thousand congregants. Greene preferred to depict Christ as the redeemer no longer suffering, a choice that is more fitting within the optimistic grandeur of the location. Rather than hanging painfully on broken arms, Christ appears upright with arms and hands outstretched wide in anticipation of resurrection. Greene’s stylistic approach is close to the manuscript depictions of Christ from the early middle ages when symbolism had not yet been superseded by sublime mimesis. The crucifix lacks the menace of solid form, being made of two bars that simply approximate the shape of the cross. Christ’s body is tensed with vigour and strength and lifted upwards with the possibility of flight. It is a redemptive work that sits well in its very impressive surroundings.» AQUIEntre os dois há um voo de possibilidades...